
Shared Perspectives (2021)

A Joint Publication on Supporting Students During

and After COVID-19

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An in-depth research paper exploring campus sexual violence at Alberta’s post-secondary institutions, the first of its kind in Alberta to be written by student leaders that is research-intensive and focuses on recommendations.

Submission for the

Alberta 2030: Transforming PSE


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International Student Affordability, Housing, and Employment in Alberta (2018)

Preventing Student Exploitation in Post-Secondary Education


Shared Perspectives: A Joint Publication on Student Mental Health (2017)

In partnership with the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations, the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance, Students Nova Scotia, and the New Brunswick Student Alliance.

Experiential Learning in Alberta’s Modern Economy (2015)

A Student Employment Program for Alberta


Rolling Back Market Modifiers in Alberta (2015)

A proposal from the Council of Alberta University Students


The Realities of Alberta Students’ Residencies (2012)

Updating the Elections Alberta Act


Public Opinion on Post-Secondary Education in Alberta (2012)


Summer Work and Paying for Post-secondary Education (2010)

Canadian Student Survey Report 1

Canadian Students’ Future Plans and Debt (2010)

Canadian Student Survey Report 2


Lack of Financial Aid Knowledge Among Canadian University Students (2010)

Canadian Student Survey Report 3