Removing the loopholes in the Tuition and Fee Regulation, ensuring a true tuition cap that limits increases solely to CPI and keeps post-secondary education within the ability of all Alberta students to attend.
Putting the tuition cap back into the Post-Secondary Learning Act.
Providing ongoing support in the amount of $3 million a year in student mental health funding to the University of Alberta, the University of Calgary, the University of Lethbridge, and expanding the program to also include MacEwan University and Mount Royal University.
Creating a student and graduate employment program that offers meaningful job opportunities to current students and recent graduates.
Immediately restoring $100 million in operating funding to Alberta post- secondary institutions, and encouraging individual institutions to eliminate existing Mandatory Non-Instructional Fees.
Taking $17 million of the funding currently going towards the Completion Incentive Grant program, and reallocating it to targeted, up-front, needs- based grants for Alberta learners.
Establishing an $18 million bursary program to assist Aboriginal, rural, and low-income students to attend post-secondary, and improve the participation rates amongst these underrepresented groups.