CAUS Anti-Spam Policy

The Council of Alberta University Students does not send unsolicited communications, and we actively work to safeguard the integrity of our mailing list.

We only send email and text message communications to individuals who have opted in to receiving our communications. 

If you are no longer interested in our communications, you may unsubscribe at any time from our text messages and/or emails. 

When registering for CAUS’s GOTV program, registrants note the following:

I hereby consent to receive email and/or text reminders to vote and other updates from the Council of Alberta University Students (you may unsubscribe at any time).

CAUS Privacy Policy

The Council of Alberta University Students (CAUS) recognizes and adheres to the privacy rights of individuals, including the protection of their personal information and the need for information management practices that adhere to provincial regulatory standards. 

CAUS works to safeguard the privacy of all individuals who have consented to share their information with us, and we ensure that any information stored by CAUS is that which has been collected via explicitly given consent. Any and all personal information gathered by CAUS for the purposes of engaging in voter mobilization during the 2022/2023 Albertan provincial election will be stored securely, and deleted within 30 days of the election’s conclusion, apart from metadata on general voter mobilization. Metadata will not include any identifying details on individuals, but may include general information on the number of GOTV registrations per riding, and per institution. We do not sell or share any personal information with 3rd party advertisers. 

For any questions regarding the CAUS Privacy Policy, or to obtain a copy of your personal information on file with CAUS, please contact Alexandra Ages at

When registering for CAUS’s GOTV program, registrants note the following:

I hereby consent to sharing the above personal information with the Council of Alberta University Students (CAUS) for the purposes of receiving relevant information on voter mobilization for the Alberta Provincial Election. I am aware that my information will be stored securely by CAUS for the purposes of communication relevant voter mobilization information, and that my information will be deleted 30 days after the conclusion of the election.